Phase I prognostic online (PIPO) is a user-friendly interactive tool to calculate specific survival probabilities for a patient before enrolment in a phase I trial. The tool allows for a patient-specific prediction regarding the value of 6 covariates: albumin baseline levels, LDH baseline level, dNLR, ECOG, number of metastatic sites, and liver affectation. The main goal of this application is to provide an objective measure to help clinicians in order to decide about the inclusion in phase I trials.
Key Features
PIPO asks for details regarding the ECOG (performance status), number of metastatic sites, liver metastasis, albumin baseline level, LDH baseline level and dNLR [neutrophils / (leukocytes – neutrophils)] levels to provide an objective measure regarding patient inclusion in phase 1 trials.
The PIPO tool has been developed by the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), based on the results of a study which included 799 patients in order to calculate specific survival probabilities for each patient before enrollment in a phase 1 trial.
Unlike traditional prognostic scores, PIPO takes the individual patient information to provide a personalised estimation for each specific patient, rather than the in-group approach of prognostic scores.
A multivariable Cox model regression with six selected covariates is fitted. To relax linearity assumption for continuous predictors, restricted cubic splines with 4
knots is used for continuous covariates [albumin baseline levels, LDH baseline level and dNLR].
An adjusted Kaplan-Meier curve is calculated with the patient-specific information using the estimated coefficients in the multivariable Cox model. Additionally, the survival estimation at month 3, 4 and 12 is provided. Adjusted survival curves are calculated and displayed.
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Matos I, Villacampa G, Hierro C, Martin-Liberal J, Berché R, Pedrola A, Braña I, Azaro A, Vieito M, Saavedra O, Gardeazabal I, Hernando-Calvo A, Alonso G, Galvao V, Ochoa de Olza M, Ros J, Viaplana C, Muñoz-Couselo E, Elez E, Rodon J, Saura C, Macarulla T, Oaknin A, Carles J, Felip E, Tabernero J, Dienstmann R, Garralda E. Phase I prognostic online (PIPO): A web tool to improve patient selection for oncology early phase clinical trials. Eur J Cancer. 2021 Sep;155:168-178. doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2021.05.040. Epub 2021 Aug 9. PMID: 34385069.
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